Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A New 90 Day Fashion Challenge

Yesterday I started a huge new fashion project based on the book I was telling you about. For three months I will come up with a different outfit each day, and here is the kicker. It has to be from clothes I already own, or I can buy thrifted or vintage items, but no new purchases. It doesn't say whether or not I can sew new things out of supplies I already have but I figure if I'm that motivated and it gets me sewing again, then sure, why not? I'm just glad I already bought 2 pairs of black leggings at Torrid a few days ago, because that will give me a lot more winter looks. If you want to do this along with me, drop me a comment so I can highlight your blog posts too.  And you don't have to look like a model. I sure don't.

1. Put together an outfit you haven't done before for this challenge.
2. Take at least one full length  photo and a close-up.
3. Post it to your blog.
4. List the items in the outfit and where you got them if you have time.

Deep Red
So here is the outfit I wore yesterday: Red striped t-shirt from Walmart, Red skirt from Holy Clothing, Little red purse: Thrifted Flip-flops because it's the desert. Red print scarf also thrifted.
Now if I'd wanted the cat in the photo he never would have done it. He likes playing with the dags on my skirt.

I love wearing wine or burgundy red.

Here you can see the scarf and the shirt better.

If an outfit is comfortable I will wear it a lot.

 For day two I wanted to go with a fun cowgirl theme. I've been fighting with the country girl image ever since I moved here from the city 2 years ago. But the longer I am here, the more country I feel. Then when my neighbor gave me her favorite and expensive cowgirl hat, how could I resist? She was moving out of state and she's almost 80, so she wasn't planning on needing this hat anymore. I was happy to have it.

Red shirt: thrifted
Black pants: Walmart
Boots: Walmart
Hat: Gift
The whole outfit was under $40 and half of that was the boots.

Four of our six chickens.

When I got this shirt at the thrift store I assumed it was too small. I was going to cut it up. But I was happy to find it fit!

The shirt says cowgirls don't cry.

Loving the hat Dixie gave me. Now she was the real cowgirl.

I'll wear this hat again if I can find my turquoise jewelry.

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